New Film, Screening at Scientology Churches, Shows the Secret of Creating a Better World  

We united as IAS Members across the world to help our fellow-man.

In a world grappling with social unrest and nearly insurmountable challenges, a new film fosters hope. In honor of World Interfaith Harmony Week, Scientology Churches are screening Operation: Do Something About It. The film presents a living example of the motto of the Scientology Volunteer Minister, that no matter the circumstances, “Something can be done about it.”

Operation: Do Something About It follows Scientology Volunteer Ministers who served alongside emergency personnel, civic leaders and interfaith partners to help their communities throughout the pandemic.

This video plays on the Scientology network.  Check it out…

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Happy New Year, Scientology Style! Unstoppable, Unending Expansio

Last month, 6,500 Scientologists and guests gathered for the spectacular Scientology New Year’s Celebration.

With anticipation already sky-high, the audience went stratospheric as Mr. David Miscavige, ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, took the stage.

“As is traditional, our New Year’s Event is the night we tour the various sectors of L. Ron Hubbard’s Technology in application,” began Mr. Miscavige. After an edge-of-the-seat preview of what lay ahead for the breathtaking night, he added, “We aren’t just toasting a year gone by. Rather, we are going to ignite solid rocket fuel and blow the roof right off this auditorium as we lift off into New Year’s 2024!”

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Tolerance or Respect?  Communication is the Key

No Matter How Grave The Situation, Something Can Be Done About It

Scientology Churches across the country invited the community to join them for the premiere of Operation: Something Can Be Done About It. The feature-length documentary produced by Scientology Media Productions aired on International Volunteer Day, December 5. The film documents the response of the Church of Scientology to the Covid pandemic, not only to help parishioners and staff but to reach out indiscriminately on an unparalleled scale across the globe to ensure the safety of every sector of society. A sampling of feedback shows the film’s impact.

“What they did for our police department during Covid was hands down an absolute blessing,” said a police officer the Church helped with sanitization. “In a time of complete panic and fear, they stepped up with help…. I am proud to have worked alongside every member.”

“You did not let your volunteers or staff sit there but you gave them a way to do something and told them, ‘OK, let’s go. We are doing this,’” said a neighbor.

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Tolerance or Respect? Scientology Church Believes Communication is the Key to Friendship Among Faiths

The United Nations set aside International Day of Tolerance to “affirm respect and appreciation of the rich variety of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human,” and the “human rights and fundamental freedoms of others.”

For any group or religion, it is easy to love someone who thinks the way its own members do. The challenge is to love and understand those who think differently. But is tolerance of others’ beliefs and practices enough? Or do we sell ourselves short when we don’t go the extra mile to build understanding?

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The Rich Culture of South Africa Celebrated at Kyalami Castle

Crowning South Africa’s Heritage Month with a celebration at Kyalami Castle

In his newsletter on the eve of Heritage Day, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa urged all South Africans to honor “the commitment of leaders like Prince Buthelezi and President Nelson Mandela to put aside their differences and work for peace,” and that maintaining peace and advancing reconciliation is the country’s “collective responsibility” and “the greatest gift we can bestow on the generations to come.”

It was in this spirit that the Church of Scientology hosted officials, religious and community leaders, and other stakeholders for a Heritage Day celebration at Castle Kyalami, Church of Scientology headquarters for Africa. Hundreds, dressed in traditional attire, raised their voices in song, and danced in a joyous salute to the cultural wealth of the nation.

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International Religious Liberty Association Celebrates 130 Years of Religious Freedom Advocacy

Religious liberty has “an incontrovertible value without which our very humanity could be at risk of being diminished and impaired,” said Ted N. C. Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in the opening address.

“Religious tolerance is a fundamental principle, expressed in the Creed of the Church of Scientology,” says Rev. Olivia McDuff, public affairs staff who represented the Church of Scientology International at the conference.

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Recognizing and Supporting Religious Freedom

From its beginnings, the Church of Scientology has recognized that freedom of religion is a fundamental human right. In a world where conflicts are often traceable to intolerance of others’ religious beliefs and practices, the Church has, for more than 50 years, made the preservation of religious liberty an overriding concern.

Here’s a great example of religious tolerance and freedom at

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Bringing the Truth About Drugs to the World

Recognizing the crucial role substance abuse plays in the disintegration of the social fabric, Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “Research has demonstrated that the single most destructive element present in our current culture is drugs.” This sobering observation led to the development of the Truth About Drugs program of Foundation for a Drug-Free World.

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A New Year, A New Future

Please take 5 minutes and follow the arrows to see the outstanding expansion Scientology has had across the world!!!!

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King Charles, Embracing Diversity, Cuts the “The” From “Defender of the Faith”

From its beginnings, the Church of Scientology has recognized that freedom of religion is a fundamental human right. In a world where conflicts are often traceable to intolerance of others’ religious beliefs and practices, the Church has, for more than 50 years, made the preservation of religious liberty an overriding concern.

We are happy to report that the new King of England is committed to religious freedom.

This past September, King Charles III reaffirmed his commitment to diversity, telling a gathering of faith leaders, “I have always thought of Britain as a ‘community of communities. That has led me to understand that the Sovereign has an additional duty — less formally recognized but to be no less diligently discharged. It is the duty to protect the diversity of our country, including by protecting the space for faith itself and its practice through the religions, cultures, traditions and beliefs to which our hearts and minds direct us as individuals.”


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